join our team and help support students in need.

The majority of GO tutors are retired educators with 25 years or more of teaching experience. Although they have retired from full-time classroom work, their dedication to teaching remains strong. Many GO tutors also offer private tutoring within the community, but through GO, they extend the same quality of care and professional instruction to families who can't afford such services.

GO tutors help elementary students build foundational skills in core subjects such as reading, writing, and math. In middle school, the focus shifts toward developing executive functioning skills, helping students meet deadlines, organize projects, and manage their time effectively.

Tutors and students embark on a journey together starting in second grade that spans nearly a decade. This continuity of service, along with the trust, insight, and compassion developed between tutor and student, makes GO unique. Through focused support, mentorship, and care, students learn self-advocacy and gain a lifelong love of learning.

“My daughter’s favorite days of the week are GO days!” —Parent of 2nd-grade GO student

“What I think students need most is calm time talking with good role models. That’s what my son got most out of GO tutoring. Regular time with an adult who wasn’t rushed, and talked him through his problems.” —Parent of 4th-grade GO student

“[My son] just practically skipped to my car after tutoring and got in the car and said “I love English now! I’ve found my genre. SUSPENSE, mom.” And he went on and on about the book he’s reading. I’m not sure besides the book what’s clicked for him but he is feeling inspired and engaged and excited! I could cry. Thanks for holding all the space for these kids, mine included. So much gratitude!”
—Parent of 6th-grade GO student

“My first session with my student was wonderful—she ran excitedly to her family afterwards talking a mile a minute about what she learned and even turned to her sister saying: "What did you learn today?!" I've been teaching so long that I don't get too emotional one way or the other, but this was really heartwarming to see her love of learning and eagerness to share with others. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this program.” —GO Tutor

For more information, contact Golden Opportunity’s Leadership Team.

Executive Director: Marne Honigbaum 607-342-0980

GO Board of Directors:
Jodi Lee Denman, Chair Susan Barnett, Treasurer Anna Jensen, Secretary Marty Kaminsky (pictured above), Founder, Education Advisor, GO Tutor
Laura Call Andolina
Ann Halpern Stacy Nembhard
Mitch Weiss Sarah Wessels

Social Media Content Creator—Laure-Emmanuelle Dalle GO Photographer—Jo-Marcia Todd, former ICSD teacher and GO building liaison.